Bleeding Edge Tools
To Bring Your Nightmare to Life
Combining our expertise in virtual world design with the latest real-time game engine technology, Gossamer Games is thrilled to explore a brand new dimension of haunted attraction design with our powerful Haunt Design Tool. Whether you're looking to pre-visualize new designs, create digital clones of fan favorite attractions, or build virtual haunts for remote audiences, our expert team of game developers is dying to work with your designers to create the next generation of terror.
Prototype Demonstration
To highlight just a few of the possibilities of our software, we put together a quick video showcasing some of features from our very first prototype. We'd love to work with your team to understand what additions would be most valuable for your use case!
What's Gossamer?
Oh sorry, we forgot to introduce ourselves! Gossamer Games is an award-winning indie game studio based in Philadelphia, PA. We specialize in creating immersive adventure games spanning all genres, platforms, and development tools. We also happen to love Halloween and made a whole game about trick-or-treating over COVID.
Howdy Partner!
Ready to explore how we can help bring your nightmares to life? Drop us a line and we'll be happy to jump on a call to show off our latest demo and explore the possibilities.
We Don't Bite!
Email tom@gossamer.games to get the conversation started.